
Warrior Poses for Balance, Power, and More

Are you a warrior yogi? I love warrior poses. One of the reasons is the variety: there are three basic variations of warrior (aptly named “one,” “two,” and “three”), as well as a few others with more poetic names. Each warrior pose has unique benefits, and together, they fit beautifully into a vinyasa flow sequence. […]


Yoga for Stress Relief

Ask the yogis you know why they practice, and it’s a good bet many of them will say they practice yoga for stress relief. “Stress” is a word we use a lot, but what is it exactly, and why is it so bad for us? Why stress is a problem The things that cause us to […]


A Brief Look at Yoga History

Sometimes it’s good to take a look back at our history to see how we’ve gotten to where we are today. For yogis, a look at yoga history means turning our focus away from our designer clothes and trendy mats, our rock star teachers and luxury yoga retreats. It means going back to the origins of our beloved […]