Finding a Yoga Community When You Practice Yoga at Home

finding a yoga community

One of the best things I ever did in my home was dedicate one room as a yoga studio. I love telling people about cozy home studio. It’s a small spare bedroom where I have an altar, a mat, some LED candles, props, and a bookshelf filled with yoga books! Besides my home practice, I attend classes at two local studios. But for those who only practice at home, finding a yoga community is an essential way to deepen the experience of being a yogi.

How Important is Finding a Yoga Community?

Most people agree that some kind of community is important on some level. No, it’s not necessary—or even healthy—to be surrounded by people all the time, but humans are social animals. We not only need connection with others, but we need connection with others we have something in common with. If you’re passionate about something, sharing it with others is essential.

A lot of us are also busy. So, even though we may love yoga, we may not be able to go to classes three or four times a week. That’s why an at-home practice is such a blessing. (And of course, having a great app to practice with is even better!)

So, what about that community?

If you’re a Track Yoga yogi, one option for finding a community is to follow Track Yoga on Facebook or Twitter. There are also many groups for yogis on social media.

If you prefer to connect with fellow yogis in person, consider attending workshops at yoga studios in your area. Even if you can’t get to class regularly, most studios offer workshops.

Workshops are great opportunities to connect with other yogis because the format usually allows more time to interact, which is often not the case during a yoga class. You can delve into everything from inversions to chakra balancing to sound healing and more!

You might also consider starting your own group of like-minded yogis. If you have a weekend or more, attend a yoga retreat or festival! There are many options around the world. Just search online for “yoga retreats near me” or “yoga festivals near me” and see what comes up!

Finding a Yoga Community in Unexpected Places

These days, you’ll find yoga classes in many places you wouldn’t think of when you think of yoga. Wineries, for example, come to mind. I’ve seen restaurants, spas, groceries stores, and church communities offer yoga classes as well.

Talk to people about your interest in yoga, and you’re bound to find others who share you love of the practice. Why not suggest a yoga class where you work or at your school?

The best way to grow and deepen the experience of living a yoga lifestyle is to share the practice with others. If you want something deeper from your yoga practice than a fitness class or tool for stress management (though both are great reasons to practice), finding a yoga community of some kind will help.

Where have you found community among yogis? Share your experience. You may inspire others to create new connections, or perhaps you’ll expand your own community in a new way!

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Maria Kuzmiak

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