Satya: Real yogis Don't Lie

Satya: Real Yogis Don’t Lie

You’re a yogi, so you never lie. Right? Of course, most people fail to be truthful 100 percent of the time, but if you follow yoga’s eight-limbed path, you’re probably familiar with the principle of satya, or truthfulness. What does it mean to practice satya? Most moral codes include some version of honesty among their principles. […]

Yoga apps

What’s Your (Yoga) Style?

What kind of yoga do you practice? You’ve probably been asked that question more than once. The answer depends on how you interpret the question. Most people are referring to the physical—asana—practice when they consider what “type” of yoga someone is practicing. While there are formal names for specific styles of practice—Iyengar, Asthanga, Jivamukti, etc.—in […]