How to meditate – Step by Step Guide to Learn Meditation

New Year arrived just a few days ago. And, many of us would have already felt that we shouldn’t have made those resolutions that we took! But there is an easy way to stay glued to our goals. Just meditate… Yes, I know what you are thinking… How to meditate? And, how will meditation help me to achieve my goals?

The answer is pretty simple. Meditation gifts you more time by calming your restless mind and helping you stay focused. 10 minutes a day is enough to curb stress and find some inner peace and balance. We’ll look at some of the core concepts that you will need to remember before you start meditating. Plus, I have also put together the simplest among the meditation techniques to help the newbies.

Let’s get started…

A Step By Step Guide on How to Meditate

These steps will help you enjoy a deep and nourishing meditation experience. Here is what you will get to read through!

These are the key elements to meditate successfully! A little preparation and you will be able to find the answer for your query – ‘how to meditate’ – in no time!

Choose a time!

The ultimate intention of meditation is to calm your overwhelmed mind. And, hence, it is essential to practice it at a time when you are not likely to be disturbed. It should ideally be your ‘me’ time when you are completely free to relax and enjoy.

According to the yoga texts and people who meditate regularly, morning is ideal for meditation. This time is often preferred because the mind tends to be calmer than it is later in the day. However, the best time is the time that you can realistically commit to on a regular basis.

Find your place

Just like the time, choose a relatively protected and quiet space. If possible, dedicate an entire space for meditation – a place where you can always come back whenever you wish to! You can create an altar and decorate it with candles, essential oils, crystals, flowers, and stones – anything that would go along with your intentions and personality! These props, ideally, enhance the meditation experience. Plus, your meditation arena will have an extraordinary energy level!

Set an intention

“The most important thing is remembering the most important thing.”

This Zen saying applies in particular when it comes to meditation. Setting an intention will help you stay glued to the practice. It could be anything… But, when you sit in that place, remembering what matters the most, you will find yourself being drawn to meditate. So, before you start your journey, connect with your heart. Accept and acknowledge its aspirations. It dedicates your practice of meditation.


A comfortable seated position is essential to avoid distractions. A relaxed body is an abode to a quiet mind. It is not critical to sit in cross-legged positions initially. You can even lean slightly against a wall or use a cushion. Seated in a chair is also acceptable. The sole thing you need to remember is to keep your spine long and straight, in its neutral pose, to allow energy flow.

Close your eyes to keep yourself shielded from all visible distractions.


Deep breathing in and out meditating is always a good idea. The breath helps to establish a rhythm and leads the mind into a peaceful, meditative state.

Remain in your natural presence

In this state, you just recognize whatever is happening in and around you. You just allow things to happen as it is. You will just observe what’s going on… while you become just one with your Inner or Higher Self.

Awaken your senses

Intentionally awaken all your senses. Scan your body and mind carefully. Pay attention to whatever is happening. Become aware of these soft sensations and emotions. Just listen and observe the various sounds and scents that you experience in and around you. Explore the moment as they are… but do not try to judge whatever comes through. Just enjoy the heightened senses of awareness!

Choose a base to bring back your wandering mind

A base is essential to bring back your restless mind. It could either be your breath or a mantra. The idea is to identify and fix a focal point to which you could always come back while meditating without leaving your mind to enjoy its monkey hopping. However, choose a base that is in sync with your intention for better results!

Be mindful

Mindfulness is being aware of whatever is happening within you and around you, but in a non-judgmental way. You just allow each moment to unfold in its natural way. You are just an observer here. Being mindful will help you to see, feel, and learn the natural and constantly changing flow of feelings, sensations, sounds, and emotions. When you are mindful, you will be able to bring your wandering mind back to its base with ease.

What Not to Do While Learning How to Meditate

First and foremost, do not try to clear your mind or stop your thoughts. When you try to do this, the thoughts just multiply. Nothing else happens. The goal of meditation is not to control your mind. Instead, just try to focus on your intention. When your mind wanders, use the base to restore your concentration.

Do not get caught up in the what. Just stay with whatever thoughts, feelings, or emotions arise. Do not try to ignore or avoid feelings of anger and anxiety. Just be with them without any judgment.

Do not think about the hows. Do not worry too much about how to meditate right. There is no right or wrong way of doing it. Just make yourself comfortable and get started. Don’t worry too much that you’re doing it wrong. There’s no perfect way to do it, just be happy you’re doing it.

Last, but not the least commit yourself. 21 – 40 days – that’s the time an average person requires to master a new thing. So commit to meditating for 21 days without any excuses. You will see the difference.

In simple words, this is how to meditate:

  • Set your intention to awaken yourself from your thoughts.
  • Gently bring your focus to your base, allowing it to linger in the foreground while your mind plays its favorite games in the background.
  • If you ever lose yourself to your mind, gently bring it back to your base – your focal point – with heightened mindfulness.

Begin your meditation practice for two to three minutes, and then try it for longer periods. It is simple!


Image Credits

Nishanth - Track Yoga

2 thoughts on “How to meditate – Step by Step Guide to Learn Meditation

  1. Pingback: Mindfulness And Meditation - Are They The Same or Different?

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