Meditation, yoga

Meditation – What is it?

Is meditation the process of sitting long hours in complicated seated postures, keeping the eyes closed, shaping the palm into those gestures, and remaining in stillness, while our mind wanders? If the answer is no, then what is meditation? Well, it is a topic that is being talked, written, and discussed, well, throughout the world but still remains a perpetual […]


Asteya: The Yogic Principle of Non-stealing

Along yoga’s eight limb path—the lifestyle tenets put forth by Patanjali—is the principle of non-stealing. Called asteya in Sanskrit, non-stealing is not just about keeping our hands off other people’s physical possessions. It’s also about time, resources, and respect for things that cannot be owned. Ideally, everyone would share resources and no one would have […]


National Yoga Month: 7 Ways to Celebrate (It’s Not Too Late!)

September is National Yoga Month. Have you participated in the celebration? If you didn’t know about this month-long celebration of yoga, it’s not too late. Yoga studios everywhere offer special classes, concerts, and events during the month of September. It’s a way to raise awareness of yoga, so tell your friends and family. Find a […]